Showing 2 taxi or minicab companies in Southend-on-Sea, Essex (SS2)

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  • 19 Southchurch Avenue, Southend-On-Sea, Essex
  • SS1 2EY
  • UK

This is the first time I've used this company and I have nothing but praise for them,they arrived so quickly I had to put out my cigarette as I had no time to finish it, then the gentleman ( in true sense of word )driver helped me into cab and helped me to where I felt safe then waited and helped me back again, he was courteous and very nice. I will definitely use this company again. :-)

Hired this company after reading the above review, and although my experience wasn't as amazing as that described above I very much appreciated their promptness and that I was sent a text telling me my taxi had arrived and describing what it looked like. The office also rang to find out if I'd arrived when I was 5 minutes late, which was great. They were 5 minutes late on the way back from my original destination, but I had changed this at the last minute. The driver also turned away someone else who tried to take our taxi, which was appreciated! Thanks.

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  • 259 Hamstel Road, Southend On Sea
  • SS2 4LB
  • UK
  • Your Address
  • SS2 5AA
  • UK
  • 5 Seaters
  • 6+ Seaters
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Cards Accepted
  • Fixed Fares
  • Airport Transfers
  • Large Luggage
  • Meet and Greet
  • Baby and Child Seats
  • Female Drivers
  • CRB Checked Drivers
  • Business Accounts
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Valeted Cars
  • Chauffeur Service
  • Courier Service

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We advertise Taxis and Minicabs based in Southend-on-Sea, Essex (SS2). You can get the telephone number, email and other contact details of a taxi or minicab serving Southend-on-Sea, Essex (SS2) here. Most of the Taxis and Minicabs listed should have a description explaining the specific services that they provide. You may also find comments and recommendations on the listed Taxis and Minicabs from our other users, helping you to make the best choice!