Showing 2 taxi or minicab companies in Oundle, Northamptonshire (PE8)

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  • Kings Arms Lane, Polebrook, Peterborough
  • PE8 5LW
  • UK
  • 19 Culme Close, Oundle, Peterborough
  • PE8 4QQ
  • UK
  • Fixed Fares
  • Airport Transfers

Don Campbell first opened for business 15 years ago and has been serving Oundle and the surrounding area ever since.

Campbells Cars offer a full range of taxi services. This includes collection and delivery to airports, sea ports, rail and bus stations as well as local runs too.

We can offer you a professional, safe and reliable service, so contact Campbells for more information.

We are regulated and licenced by East Northamptonshire Council

  • Your Address
  • PE8 4AA
  • UK
  • 5 Seaters
  • 6+ Seaters
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Cards Accepted
  • Fixed Fares
  • Airport Transfers
  • Large Luggage
  • Meet and Greet
  • Baby and Child Seats
  • Female Drivers
  • CRB Checked Drivers
  • Business Accounts
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Valeted Cars
  • Chauffeur Service
  • Courier Service

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We advertise Taxis and Minicabs based in Oundle, Northamptonshire (PE8). You can get the telephone number, email and other contact details of a taxi or minicab serving Oundle, Northamptonshire (PE8) here. Most of the Taxis and Minicabs listed should have a description explaining the specific services that they provide. You may also find comments and recommendations on the listed Taxis and Minicabs from our other users, helping you to make the best choice!