Showing 6 taxi or minicab companies in Clifton Down Station, Bristol (BS8)

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  • 63a Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol
  • BS7 8AD
  • UK

Booked a cab a day in advance and when the cab didn't arrive, I called to see how long it would be. I was told then that it was on the way but might be another 15mins. The women on phone then told me I should try some where else. Terrible Customer service, unreliable and not even worth bothering!

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  • 204a Cheltenham Road, Montpelier, Bristol
  • BS6 5QZ
  • UK
  • 6 Lawford St., Bristol
  • BS2 0DH
  • UK

Many staff ,members of mine have complained about their prices and their level of service.

Came to our rescue when we needed a cab urgently - took payment over phone and gave student discount too! Price was less than another company, who were unable to process phone payment and asked me call back because they had to answer another call!

they where well priced, absolutely brilliant on the phone quick and reliable. when they couldnt deliver a taxi in the morning as all their cars where being used they sent sent a taxi from another company and called to let me know. absolutly brilliant

Taxi arrived on time and driver was polite. Staff on the phone were helpful and answered quickly.

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  • 36a Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol
  • BS7 8AR
  • UK
  • Your Address
  • BS8 2AA
  • UK
  • 5 Seaters
  • 6+ Seaters
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Cards Accepted
  • Fixed Fares
  • Airport Transfers
  • Large Luggage
  • Meet and Greet
  • Baby and Child Seats
  • Female Drivers
  • CRB Checked Drivers
  • Business Accounts
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Valeted Cars
  • Chauffeur Service
  • Courier Service

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We advertise Taxis and Minicabs based in Clifton Down Station, Bristol (BS8). You can get the telephone number, email and other contact details of a taxi or minicab serving Clifton Down Station, Bristol (BS8) here. Most of the Taxis and Minicabs listed should have a description explaining the specific services that they provide. You may also find comments and recommendations on the listed Taxis and Minicabs from our other users, helping you to make the best choice!