Showing 6 taxi or minicab companies in Brierfield, Lancashire (BB9)

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  • 15 Clitheroe Road, Brierfield, Nelson, Lancashire
  • BB9 5PT
  • UK
  • Unit 8, Barnfield Business Centre, Brunswick Street, Nelson, Lancashire
  • BB9 0HT
  • UK

i have known Cavalier Taxis for over 20 years and the service which they provide is outstanding. It is a enjoyable family business which has great helping drivers such as Khan and Ash. i highly recommend Cavalier Taxis, because you can trust their high quality cars and drivers to be there for you when you need them too!

I first used Cavalier Taxis 3 years ago and since that day, I have never looked back. I still remember the first time the driver came to pick me up. His name was Saj. A very nice, well spoken individual in a immaculate BMW. He dropped me off to my door and made sure that I got in safely (it was the early hours of the morning) The thing that Cavalier has; that no other taxi firm can compete with is it's personalized quality service.

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  • 12 Holme Road, Burnley, Lancashire
  • BB12 0BJ
  • UK
  • Your Address
  • BB9 5AA
  • UK
  • 5 Seaters
  • 6+ Seaters
  • Open 24 Hours
  • Cards Accepted
  • Fixed Fares
  • Airport Transfers
  • Large Luggage
  • Meet and Greet
  • Baby and Child Seats
  • Female Drivers
  • CRB Checked Drivers
  • Business Accounts
  • Wheelchair Access
  • Valeted Cars
  • Chauffeur Service
  • Courier Service

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We advertise Taxis and Minicabs based in Brierfield, Lancashire (BB9). You can get the telephone number, email and other contact details of a taxi or minicab serving Brierfield, Lancashire (BB9) here. Most of the Taxis and Minicabs listed should have a description explaining the specific services that they provide. You may also find comments and recommendations on the listed Taxis and Minicabs from our other users, helping you to make the best choice!